Emergencies such as fire or natural disasters create lot of damage and loss. It is important for the company to foresee such situation and be prepared. During an emergency confusion, anxiety, fear or similar emotions could add to the loss.
Purpose of EPARP:-
Save life and property.
Improve your preparedness & response, ensure you are familiar with the procedures in place.
Familiarize you with possible emergency scenarios and proper response.
Fulfill regulatory requirements for emergency response planning.
Types of Emergencies
Bomb threat
Natural disaster:- Earthquake, Flood, Cyclone
Political outrage
Terrorist attack
Personal Threat
Internal Emergency
Building Collapse
During Evacuation:-
Ask All personnel to calm down
Walk fast but DO NOT RUN
DO NOT enter premises once out for ANY REASON
Know your building’s Floor Plan and Exits Routes.
Know the location of the emergency response equipment
Do Not Use Elevators/Lift and Escalator
If you are SHELTERING IN PLACE, stay inside the building, within your work area, or any safe place
If applicable, make sure doors and windows are closed/locked
DO NOT carry any equipment or official record outside the organization. If you remove some official material deposit with Security before moving out of the premises.
After an Emergency
Wait for instructions from EPARP In charges
Up-to-date information concerning the status of the location and the emergency will be communicated through available sources.
Normal operations will resume as soon as possible following stabilization of the emergency