How Training Helps ?
Most accidents and injuries in the workplace are preventable.
Diligent awareness and prudent actions are needed to prevent injuries.
So, regularly train your workers on what hazards to be aware of in your workplace and what actions to take to protect against these hazards.
Safety Training
Training the workers helps organization to prevent problems that could lead to an injuries.
Remind workers the primary hazards they are exposed to and offered recommendations on how to minimize those risks.
Accident prevention at work is everyone's job. The vast majority of injuries and accidents that happen at the workplace are preventable.
Hazard recognition is the first step in having a safe workplace. The more you know about the various types of hazards that are found at the workplace, the better you become at spotting hazards.You must recognize potential hazards around you and make every effort to avoid and reduce these hazards. This is everyone’s job and all workers and supervisors should constantly look for hazards that can lead to injury. But you must do more.
Once you recognize the hazard, you must do something about it. Remember that as work progresses, hazards may change. By controlling, or eliminating the hazard, you have made the workplace safer.
Important Points
Always remember, safety starts with you.
You need to have a willing, positive attitude towards safety in the workplace.
You have people depending on you every day, and they expect you to come home alive and well. Practicing safety on the job will allow you to go home to the ones you love.
A willing, positive attitude towards safety and recognizing line of fire hazards will help make a safer work environment.
Plan your work and look for potential line of fire hazards.
Each task will have different hazards. Identify them before you begin work.